Getting shorted on your last paycheck when you leave a job means you need an employment lawyer on your side to help you receive the wages you deserve.
Employment Lawyer in Baton Rouge Regarding Last Paycheck Disputes
Our law firm has years of experience handling employee claims regarding final paychecks being withheld after termination. We help employees in Baton Rouge and across Louisiana receive the payments that they are entitled to have.
Employees need fair payment in order to pay their bills, pay on their mortgage, and provide for their families. The time and work you put in for an employer must be compensated. If you have a paycheck dispute with your current or former employer, call our office today.
Withholding of Final Paycheck
Termination without pay is a fear for many employees. Employers often fire a worker and refuse to issue some or all of the last paycheck. If you worked the hours, you must be paid. Employers have a duty to issue all pay that is owed and cannot short you because you no longer work there. You are entitled to the full payment that you earned.
Louisiana law protects employees from the wrongful withholding of their final paycheck. Our state law also enforces attorney fees and penalties to be included in compensation for employers withholding a former employee’s final paycheck. It is possible to get up to 90 times the withheld pay when you file a claim with an experienced employment law attorney.
When to Hire an Attorney
No matter the terms you left on at your job, your former employer must still give you your final paycheck. If you have not received your last paycheck within three days of ending employment, it is important to talk to a lawyer right away.
When you meet with one of our employment attorneys, we carefully look at your case and help you get the unpaid or underpaid final wages that were withheld. Generally, we don’t directly charge our clients for these kinds of cases. Rather, we file it under a contingency basis, meaning that we only get paid if you do.
Don’t let your former employer withhold your final paycheck from you. Call the law office of Greg Gouner to schedule your consultation today.